Thursday, May 23, 2013

Extra Credit Blog

One of the movies that i watched for this class that i found interesting and it helped me out a lot in this class was Pan's Labyrinth. This movie that i watched for the project i had to do witch was the midterm i enjoyed watching it i had seen this movie a while back but i did not finish watching it. When  found out that this movie was one of the options i decided to watch it because i knew it is and interesting movie and i was going to want to watch it and it was going to help me out in the project because the movie was interesting and it made it easier for me to write about it.

Another movie that i enjoyed watching in this class is L.A Confidential. This movie was also really interesting. It was actually my first time watching it i had never heard of it. I really enjoyed this movie because this movie had police man and i really connected to it because that is one of my majors that i have in mind that i want to be when i get older so that is why i found this movie interesting and i enjoyed watching it.

One movie that i really enjoyed watching and it made me sad too was the movie called The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. This movie was really good it was about Jean about how his life was after because he suffered a stroke and after the stroke it left him with a condition called locked in syndrome. It really got to me because this movie made me think about that we do not have to give up on anything even tho we are not the same like other people. we have to have our head up high and live life.

One movie that i think the class mates should see that we did not see in class is any movies from Fast and the Furious. i think this movies will be good to watch in class is because of the way they are filmed. they have different contents of  how they filmed it. Also they use different kind of sounds in this movie and all the sounds went a long with the movie . I think this movie is filmed correctly they did a great job.

Another movie that i think we should of watched in this class and will be good to add it as one of the assignments is Twilight. I think this movie will be great watching it because all this movies are very popular right now and i am sure that students will be interested in watching them and that is something good because that way they are going to watch the movie because there is movies that don't look interesting and them they don't end up watching them. 

One last movie that i recommend you to put up as an assignment is  for them to watch Iron Man. all this movies are really interesting and like i said i am sure the students will enjoy watching them i am sure that maybe most of them have seen them already so it is even better the assignment will be easier for them since they have seen the movie already.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Blog Post#5

Title: North By Northwest
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Title of music piece: Prelude
Music By: Bernard Herrmann

The context of this musical piece is a strong song it is also playing very fast this musical song relates to the video because in the video it is showing people moving all over the place they are in a hurry they want to get somewhere. In the video there are two ladies running to the street because they are in a hurry because they want to get the taxi. Also there is a man running to the bus stop because he wants to get in it but once he gets to the bus the bus driver closes the door on him and he did not get to get in the bus.

While i was watching this clip there was a memory that i remember something similar  happened to me like what happened to the character in this clip. I remember i was going to go to school i usually take the bus to school one day i was running late the bus was about to pass so i just ran out of my house and i ran to the bus stop there was the bus coming it was getting closer to the bus stop i couldn't cross the light because it was on red and there was a lot of cars passing by. Once the light turned on green i ran to the bus stop and the bus driver seen me running and she did not stop she did not open the door for me when she knew that i was going to get the bus. It got me mad because she seen me and she still did not open the door for me or stop.

This musical piece was effective for the scene because the musical piece was a very fast and it went a long with what was going on in the video because in the video there was people walking very fast trying to get to places and also there was a man running trying to get the bus because he was late to the bus stop.

Title: Yellow Clip #2
Title of music piece: He needs me( Remix)
Music by:

This context of this musical piece is a musical piece that plays like if you are about to expect something you have been expecting. It also sounds exited after words. This video is showing a lady and a man it seem like they have not seen each other in a while or maybe it was their first time seeing each other and they were excited to see each other. Once they see each other they hug and start kissing, once they start kissing people start walking in front of them they just keep on passing by.

While i was watching this video after i was done watching it i got really excited for them two the lady and the man because it looked like they were excited to see each other. I do not know if it was their first time seeing each other or maybe she was out of town and she stopped to see her husband or boyfriend because i think they are ether one of them because when they saw each other they hugged and kissed. Ive had that feeling before when i first saw my grandma i haven't seen her for abut 8 years till i saw her when she came to visit. It is a great feeling you get when you see some one that you missed.

this music piece was effective to the clip because the sound was like and exited sound and it went with the clip since the lady and the man hot happy when they seen each other and hugged each other and also kissed.

Title: Blue Clip #1
Title of music piece:  Waltz ( Sicilian)
Music by:

The musical piece relates to this clip because what is happening in the clip is that at first it is just showing the out side of the house it looks like there is no one it looks lonely. After they show the front of the house they show a room inside the room there is a man laying down after a little while he wakes up and he takes of his blanket and he notices he has blood in his hands do he gets up the bed and takes of all the blanket and he notices that the dog that was sleeping with him is dead and has blood all over the place. The music clips goes with the clip because at the beginning the music starts slow and then after it gets faster and louder it gets louder when the guy notices that he has blood in his hands.

While i was watching this clip at the beginning i was kind of scared because of the sound and it was juts showing outside the house nothing else i thought that something was going to pop up and scare me but i did not. I got sad when the guy saw the dog dead and he started screaming it is sad because it looed like her really liked the dog he even went to sleep with him.

In my opinion in this video clip the music did go with it because the music starts of really slow and after it gets loud and that is what the video is showing at the beginning there are just showing out side the house and it is really lonely and after it gets loud when he sees the dog dead in his bed.

Title: Apollo 13
Title of music: "All Systems Go" - The Launch

This piece of music that i chose is from the movie Apollo 13 i liked this piece of music because it comes up when the space shuttle is about to launch off to space. The music sounds excited it is fast i think it goes with the movie because the people that are inside the shuttle are excited since they are going to space and going over there is not something that people normally do and it may be excited to see what space is for the first time.    

Thursday, May 9, 2013

William Friedkin Interviewed on the treatment

     The reader that i choose is William Friedkin he is  a director. He is the Oscar-winning director. He wrote a book called the Frienkin Connection. Not only did he direct and write book but he also worked out with the Boston Celtics. The Boston Celtics is a NBA basketball team. He started to work out with the team in 1978. While he was working with the Celtics the owner offered him to sell him one third of the team for 150 thousand dollars he said it was a great offer but he talked to some people that worked for him and he did not end up taking the offer. Music is a key to his work. He also started making documentaries.
   While watching this interview i did notice something. When he said that the owner of the Boston Celtics offered him one third of the team and he said that they were offering it for less money than what the owner got it and he did not accept it. What i learned is that sometimes is not only about money although it was a great offer he did not take it. Sometimes its not just about money is just what you want to do from listening to this film it looked like he was into filming and writing not into basketball maybe basketball was just and extra thing he will look into on his free time.

    While i was listening to the interview one of the quotes that i wrote down that i also connected with was "music a key to work". i believe this quote is important because i also agree with him. Music is important and good to listen to because some music can get you in a good mood sometimes if you are not in the mood of doing anything if you listen to music it helps you get in a good mood depending on the type of music you listen to. Also there is some music that helps you relax while you are doing work. Since he will direct and write books and make movies sometimes you do need something to relax you so you can get concentrated and do your work.

    Another quote that he said that i liked is when he said " I thought it will fir the mood better" what he is talking about is that when he was at the disco he said that he started to play punk music and also classical because he thought it will fit the mood of what was going on in the disco. I believe this is true about playing music that fits people mood. It is important because if you are in a happy mood then if you decide to put music that you know people will like then that is doing something good to the people specially if you go to a disco because by playing music that the people like then that is going to make the people want to go back to the disco.

    One last quote that i like that he said was when he said "Sound is as important to me as the picture" i believe this quote is important and got to me because he was stalking about how when he makes movies that the picture is not only important but the sound too. I agree with him because by just showing picture in movie and no sound affects then sometimes it gets boring and you do not get the point of the picture and sometimes you do not understand what is going on. If you add sound to everything it makes it more important and it catches people attention and it makes the movie or film more interesting rather than just seeing movies with no sound.

    Overall i thought this interview was really interesting everything he said is important. I did noticed that money is not everything you need. It is better to do what you like doing than doing something you do not like. This interview contributes to the film world because he talks about how sound is very important to
him when it comes to pictures and movies and i have to agree with him 100%. When i go see movies sound makes the movie more interesting it it helps us the viewers understand what is going on and sometimes what they are trying to tell in the story. I also enjoyed listening to the interview because it talked about the Boston Celtics basketball team how William Friedkin will practice with them. The Celtics have been one of my favorite basketball team in the NBA.